Monday, July 6, 2009

The Power Of Relaxation

Relaxation is essential for releasing stress and maintaining good health. If we are in a state of tension, irritable, worried, fearful, pressured or unable to cope, then it is very hard for either the mind or body to heal itself. The relaxation response affects us physically, mentally and emotionally easing unconscious layers of tension.

Most people think of relaxation as reading the newspaper in the garden, putting our feet up with a bottle of drink and watching a good movie. Certainly those activities helps us to unwind, but too often they deal only with the immediate, they just make us feel better for a while.

There are some techniques of relaxation that goes deeper to loosen and release more unconscious levels of stress.

For us to be relaxed, we have to learn how to stay in touch with the peace that lies inside each one of us, irrespective of what is happening around us. This means that no matter what happens the heart rate does not increase, our blood pressure stays normal and our breathing remains normal. The central nervous system is calmed thereby slowing excessive nervous activity and relaxing the muscles.

A stressed state can hinder our mental performance as too many issues are competing with our attention. While when we are relaxed we are able to focus directly on the task at hand. This generates a greater capacity and improved overrall performance.

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